Dua e Hazrat Anas Bin Malik r.a

Dua e Hazrat Ans Bin Malik r.a Pdf Free DownloadDua e Hazrat Ans Bin Malik r.a Pdf Free Download

Dua e Hazrat Ans Bin Malik r.a Pdf Free Download

Dua e Ans Bin Malik r.a Authored by Mufti Abdur Rauf Sakharvi. This book is a famous Islamic supplication which contains Dua of Hazrat Anas Bin Malik r.a for protection against enemy along with Urdu translation and benefits.

This is a very famous and powerful Dua taught by the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad s.a. to Sayyidinaa Anas r.a for seeking the protection of Allah Ta‘ala.  Whoever will recite this dua in the morning; no oppressor will be able to harm him or her.  This dua is recited 11 times or 7 times daily after Nama e Fajr.   If this dua is not recited seven times then 3 times.  If not even that, then at least one time.  At the times of crisis it should be recited 20 or 30 times. People should get together and finish it 1000 times.  Children as well as all elders should memorize this dua.

The supplication of Hazrat Ans bin Malik r.a in Urdu is now available on Pakistan virtual library for reading and download. Check out the following links to read online and also free download complete book “Dua-e-Hazrat Anas bin Malik” in Pdf format for offline reading and references,

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