Dua For Salatul Hajat with Urdu and English Translations

Dua For Salatul Hajat with Urdu and English TranslationsDua For Salatul Hajat with Urdu and English Translations

Dua For Salatul Hajat with Urdu and English Translations

Dua For Salatul Hajat with Urdu and English Translations

There is no deity except Allah Ta’ala, The most forbearing and Kind, who is unblemished and the sustainer of the Great Throne, so praise be to Allah, The Cherisher of the world. I seek all causes of the grant of your mercy and forgiveness, a full shore of virtual deeds and complete safety for inequity (O Allah) let not a single sin of mine be left aside from being forgiven, nor worry and pain from being relieved, not need which is agreeable to you from being fulfilled, O You, most merciful and compassionate.