Hawalaat Mein Talaq novel By Mehboob Alam

Hawalaat Mein Talaq novel By Mehboob Alam

Hawalaat Mein Talaq novel By Mehboob Alam PDF Free Download

Hawalaat Mein Talaq novel authored by Mehboob Alam. The novel describes 2 investigative stories from the diary of Inspector Mahboob Alam based on unbalanced relationships, broken families, lust for power, complexes, insecurities, intensity and Sacrifices. These stories contain an abundance of interest, thrill, suspense, heartbreaking events and fascination.

Mahboob Alam was a police inspector of the British government and one of the police inspectors who performed miracles during a crime investigation. You will have read the first collections of his investigative stories and admire his intelligence. Now, read these two long stories and watch the rise of his work.

Urdu novel “Hawalaat Mein Talaaq” is now available on the Pakistan virtual library in a high-quality PDF document for our users to study. Check out the following links to read online or download the complete novel in PDF format and enjoy offline reading on your computer and smartphone.

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