Jumma tul Wida Ke Aamal

Jumma tul Wida Ke Aamal - Islamic Amal for the last Friday of Ramadan in UrduJumma tul Wida Ke Aamal - Islamic Amal for the last Friday of Ramadan in Urdu

Jumma tul Wida Ke Amaal – Islamic Amal for the last Friday of Ramadan

Jumma tul Wida Ke Amaal—Islamic Amal for the last Friday of Ramadan. On the last Friday of Ramadan, pray two Rakat Nafl Namaz after Namaz e Jumma. In the first Rakat, read Surah Zalzal once and Surah Ikhlas 10 times after Surah Fatiha. In the second Rakat, recites Surah Kafiroon three times after Surah Fatiha. Recite Durood Sharif 10 times after Salam.

After that, Pray 2 more Rakat of Nafl Namaz and recite surah Takasur one time and Surah Ikhlas 10 times in the first Rakat after Fatiha. Read Ayat ul Kursi three times and Surah Ikhlas 25 times after Fatiha. Recite Durood Sharif 10 times after Salam.

This Nafl prayer has numerous benefits, and its reader will be rewarded with the ultimate worship of the Almighty Allah until the Day of Judgment.