Khalifa Haroon ur Rasheed History in Urdu

Khalifa Haroon ur Rasheed History in Urdu Free Download Khalifa Haroon ur Rasheed History in Urdu Free Download

Khalifa Haroon ur Rasheed History in Urdu Pdf Free Download

Khalifa Haroon ur Rasheed History book in Urdu authored by Aslam Rahi M.A. This book contains the history and biography of the famous Muslim ruler Harun Al-Rasheed in Urdu.

Khalifa Haroon ur Rasheed (766 –809) was the fifth Arab Abbasid Caliph. He dominated from 786 to 809 over the Muslim world. His era was marked as scientific, cultural, and non-secular prosperity. Art and Islamic poetry Hamd and Naat conjointly flourished considerably throughout his reign. He also established the famous library of Bait al-Hikmah. About twenty three years, he dominated an associate empire that had welded along a broad arc of the planet extending from China, bordering Bharat and Byzantium through the Mediterranean to the ocean. Herein men, material and concepts might flow freely across continental divides. However, Harun is remembered not for his empire building, except for building the construction of an excellent civilization.

Haroon ur Rasheed history book is now available here on Pakistan virtual library in high quality Pdf document for the study of our users. Check out the following links to read online or download the complete book in Pdf format and enjoy offline reading on your computer and smartphone.

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