Martial Law Ka Siyasi Andaz by Mehmood Ali Khan Chaudhary

Martial Law Ka Siyasi Andaz by Mehmood Ali Khan Chaudhary

Martial Law Ka Siyasi Andaz by Mehmood Ali Khan Chaudhary PDF Free Download

Martial Law Ka Siyasi Andaz by Mehmood Ali Khan Chaudhary. This book is an authoritative work on the history of martial law and politics in Pakistan in the Urdu language. The military coup in Pakistan began in 1958, and three attempts have so far succeeded. Apart from this, since 1948 there have been several attempts which have failed.

Upon studying this book, it is clear that the motivation for writing this book is to teach the youth respect for the law and to make them aware of the negative impact of repeated violations of the rule of law in Pakistan. Mahmood Ali Khan Chaudhry has held high positions in the civil establishment.

He was the Inspector General of Police, the Director General of the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA), and then the Secretary of the Interior Ministry, a position he retired a few months after General Zia-ul-Haq’s martial law. So he speaks based on his knowledge and experience, and as a patriot, he seems to speak from the depths of his heart. He is naturally soft-spoken, but truthfulness is the hallmark of his style.

This book is a manifestation of their sincerity and firm beliefs. His writing is an example of unabashed truthfulness in describing facts, especially in the face of various constitutional crises in the country. In his critical manner, he has broken the idols of hypocrisy and exposed every deception.

He has bluntly said that when a dictator undermines a constitutional system, he always claims that he is ushering in an era of peace and reconstruction, but this peace is the silence of the graveyard, and this construction is for the welfare of the people. No, they are under undue pressure. Dictators come with their self-made political philosophy or in the guise of morals and religion. Their accents are different, but their professions are the same. Their primary goal is to deprive the people of their freedom of thought. They chain society in chains of tyranny to stop the political process. Courts, which are the source of justice and stability in every civilized country and society, are reduced to sanctions.

The book “Marshal Law Ke Siyasi Andaz” is now available in Pakistan’s virtual library as a high-quality PDF document for our visitors to study. Check out the following links to read online or download the complete book in PDF format and enjoy offline reading on your computer and smartphone.

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