Muhammad S.A.W The Messenger Of God And The Law Of Blasphemy In Islam And The West PDF Free Download
Muhammad s.a.w The Messenger of God And the Law of Blasphemy in Islam and the West Written by Muhammad Ismail Qureshi Senior Advocate Supreme Court of Pakistan and Chairman, World Association of Muslim Jurists. A gift to all those who love, respect, and uphold the Dignity of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w) the last messenger of Allah, and all the Preceding Prophets (peace be upon them).
This book is a valuable addition to the subject. The book is likely to inspire great interest among researchers, religious scholars, social scientists, and the legal community. The author through his well-documented and researched material has countered the biased opinion in the West about Islamic practices and laws and the Prophet of Islam. The book is divided into three Parts.
Part 1 contains a discussion about the Prophethood of Muhammad (s.a.w), a comparative study of different religions, and the impact of Islamic codes and practices on the followers of other religions. The author has quoted the opinions of well-known Western leaders in this part of the book. Philosophers, Historians, critics, and writers about the Prophet of Islam and the impact of Islam and Islamic civilization on Western society.
In part II of the book, the author discusses Blasphemy Laws with reference to its so-called conflict with Human Rights in a global perspective. The author has traced the classical concept of human rights as it existed before and after the advent of Islam in Europe and other countries of the World and compared it with the human rights conferred by Islam on human beings without discrimination. The Blasphemy laws as they exist in the UK, European countries, USA, and Islamic Countries of the World have been discussed in this part of the book with reference to leading cases on the subject which makes this book useful for practicing lawyers.
In the last Part 3 of the book the author has reproduced the opinions of Muslim scholars on offence of Blasphemy and the punishment prescribed for it. There appears to be a near consensus among the scholars of different schools of thought in Islam about the punishment prescribed for the offense of Blasphemy, by incorporating the judgment of the Lahore High Court in the famous case of Ilamdin Vs. King Emperor and relevant text and extracts from leading judgments on Blasphemy rendered by the Courts in Pakistan, England, USA, and the European Court of Human Rights in the appendices the intrinsic value of the book has been greatly enhanced for ordinary readers as well as legal professional for use as a reference book.
This book is now available on Pakistan Virtual Library for reading and download. Check out the following links to read online or download the complete book in PDF format to enjoy offline reading.