Rules That Govern Fasting by Kamal Ali Al-Muntasser

Rules That Govern Fasting by Kamal Ali Al-Muntasser Pdf Free DownloadRules That Govern Fasting by Kamal Ali Al-Muntasser Pdf Free Download

Rules That Govern Fasting

Rules That Govern Fasting by Kamal Ali Al-Muntasser Pdf Free Download

Rules That Govern Fasting Authored by Kamal Ali Al-Muntasser. This is a booklet that deals with fasting, and what is related to it, such as: performance of prayers, seclusion of one’s self in the mosque, and the giving of alms at the end of Ramadan in a simple easy style, taking into consideration the clear legal approved of conventions which do not need any explanation. I suppose that this booklet is of need to the intellectuals who did not benefit from the moral judgments of their religion, especially those who wrote detailed books, complicated researches, and had publications that confused them and left them with no relying or convincing answer. In this booklet, the author avoided mentioning the differences of opinion and the different views regarding the issues that lack a clear cut text asserting the adopted point of view.

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