Sadqa e Fitr Ahkam o Masail by Mufti Shuaibullah Khan

Sadqa e Fitr Ahkam o Masail by Mufti Muhammad Shuaibullah Khan Pdf Free DownloadSadqa e Fitr Ahkam o Masail by Mufti Muhammad Shuaibullah Khan Pdf Free Download

Sadqa e Fitr Ahkam o Masail by Mufti Muhammad Shuaibullah Khan Pdf Free Download

Sadqa e Fitr Ahkam o Masail book Authored by Mufti Muhammad Shuaibullah Khan Founder of Jamia Islamia Maseeh ul Uloom Bangalore. This is another useful and informative book that contains Islamic rulings regarding the Sadaqa of Eid ul Fitr in Urdu.

The Sadaqa Fitr is a small amount of money or food given by Muslims to needy people in charity at the end of fasting in the Holy month of Ramadan. In this book, you will read how to calculate the amount of Sadqa Fitr and other important information related to the subject.

Islamic Urdu book “ Sadqa e Fitar Ahkam o Masail” is now available on Pakistan Virtual Library for reading and download. Check out the following links to read online or download the complete book in PDF format for offline reading and references.

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