Wadi e Lahu Rang Novel Tariq Ismail Sagar Pdf Free Download
Wadi e Lahu Rang Novel Authored By Tariq Ismail Sagar. This novel contains an interesting spy fiction story in Urdu language. The story of this spy action adventure novel is written in the background of the freedom movement of Indian-occupied Kashmir.
It’s a story of Kashmiri freedom fighters and their 70-year-long struggle against the Dogra Royal Army and Indian Army. Tariq Ismail Sagar has once again written a masterpiece on the burning issue of Kashmir, unveiled many secret historical events, and unfolded some other characteristics of this revolutionary campaign.
Urdu novel “Wadi e Lahoo Rang” is now available on the Pakistan virtual library in a high-quality Pdf document for the study of our visitors. Check out the following links to read online or download the complete novel in PDF format and enjoy offline reading on your computer and smartphone.