Aatish Fishan Novel Complete 13 Volumes by Iqbal Kazmi PDF Free Download
Aatish Fishan Novel Complete 13 Volumes authored by Iqbal Kazmi. Aatish Fishan is a very famous novel being published in Jasoosi Digest as a serial novel. This novel contains an interesting story of such an innocent young man Wajdan Ali, who burns in the flames of oppression.
He was an eyewitness to the brutal murder of his parents. There was a cemetery settled in his chest and his mind was boiling like a volcano. Every moment of his life brought new trouble for him. His parent’s killers wanted to destroy him too. He knew his enemies would but could not spoil anything.
Wajdan Ali was looking for a shelter. Where he was able to cope with these Beasts and make himself so powerful and capable that the killers could not even sack his hair. Finally, nature took him to a place where his life was going to be in a new template.
His name was Wajdan, but the ages of hard times and conditions made him a volcanic. He wanted his enemies to be on the scales of justice. The same wish took him to a training camp Where his life was completely changed.
At the Shaolin Temple, the artists of the art made him an exclusive mastermind of martial arts. His mind was becoming more active than computers, and his body was more active than any electric machine, and he was turned into a storm. Then he attacked his rivals and destroyed them.
Aatish Fishan novel consists of 13 parts. Each part is a complete novel in itself, which we are offering online for the study of readers of the Pakistan Virtual Library. All 13 parts are available for free download. Use the links below to download the complete novel in a high-quality PDF document and enjoy offline reading on your devices.