Bharat Ki Lok Kahaniyan – Folk Tales of India in Urdu

Bharat Ki Lok Kahaniyan - Folk Tales of India in Urdu PDF Free Download

Bharat Ki Lok Kahaniyan – Folk Tales of India in Urdu PDF Free Download

Bharat Ki Lok Kahaniyan is a book that contains a collection of folk tales of India in Urdu. The book was published by the Publication Division of India in 1957. The book contains exciting folk tales from different parts of India, with their own regional flavours.

This collection of Urdu translations of some famous folk tales of India allows Urdu-speaking children to become familiar with the stories of different regions, classes, and languages of the country, thus increasing the spirit of love and brotherhood among all.

India is a treasure of folk tales. In this country, due to the inter-cultural relations of the Arya and the ancient inhabitants, a web of stories has been laid in a mixed form. The stories prevalent in North India are the same as in South India, Kashmir, or Punjab, with a bit of change.

There are countless folk tales of India’s past in Sanskrit, Prakrit, Pali, Uppharnish and provincial languages. These stories are old yet new. They contain the social life of the people and the history of their work.

Humans naturally like stories and are considered an attractive medium for children’s education. It is an easy way to make their idea fly higher. The story is a source of unique entertainment for man. The story is an old elixir for human society to relieve mental fatigue.

Even today, its benefits and interests have not changed. Folk stories are the mother of literary stories. These stories have been entertaining people for centuries. The passion of childhood in the human heart is satisfied by reading and listening to the story. Hopefully, this book will also be able to fulfil its purpose.

The book “Bharat Ki Lok Kahaniyan” is now available at the Pakistan Virtual Library in a high-quality PDF document for our users to study. Check out the following links to read online or download the complete book in PDF format and enjoy offline reading on your computer and smartphone.

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