Gumshuda Qafle Novel By Naseem Hijazi

Gumshuda Qafle Novel

Gumshuda Qafle Novel By Naseem Hijazi PDF Free Download

Gumshuda Qafle novel, 2nd part of Pardesi Darakh, authored by Naseem Hijazi. This novel contains a historical story of the Afghan Revolutionary War and the bravery of the Mujahideen. Afghanistan’s revolution was thrilling, Dreadful, Complete history, Amazing, and fascinating. It is an exciting and informative book about Afghan society, culture, and Civilization. It also has a sense of natural beauty, romance, and love.

Naseem Hijazi Sahib wrote this novel when he was in bed due to illness. Naseem Hijazi was an Urdu writer famous for writing Islamic Historical fiction. He was born in British India and settled in Lahore, Pakistan, after partition. He is the author of several famous and super-hit historical novels based on Islamic history. His historical research work is considered a remarkable addition to Urdu literature. Below is a list of Naseem Hijazi’s novel available here on Pakistan virtual library.

Islamic historical novel “Gumshuda Qafle” is now available on Pakistan virtual library in a high-quality Pdf document for the study of our visitors. Check out the following links to read online or download the complete novel in PDF format and enjoy offline reading on your computer and smartphone.

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