Hudood Ordinances in Urdu By Justice Muhammad Taqi Usmani

Hudood Ordinances in Urdu By Justice Muhammad Taqi UsmaniHudood Ordinances in Urdu By Justice Muhammad Taqi Usmani

Hudood Ordinances Urdu

Hudood Ordinances Urdu By Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani Pdf Free Download

Hudood Ordinances Aik Ilmi Jaiza. Written by Justice Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani. Hudood Ordinance was enforced in 1979. This was an innovative experiment, merging Pakistan Penal Code offenses based on Common Law Jurisprudence and criminal procedure with Hudud Laws based on Hanafi jurisprudence.

Its implementation has been an instructive experience. During the 27 years since its enforcement the Ordinance has been a subject of controversies. A number of people welcomed it, but considerable critical literature questioned the punishment of Rajm, ambiguity about Zina and Zina bil Jabr, the prescribed discriminatory criminal procedure and definition and identification of Hudud crimes. In media, opinions about the Ordinance have been divided into three groups: those who wanted status quo, those who wanted it to be repealed and those who wanted necessary amendments. The opinion in favor of status quo argued that Hudud laws were divinely revealed and only the Westernized segments of Pakistani society were calling for its repeal. Others argued that Hudud laws were not divine, they were laws framed by the jurists.

Hudood Ordinances Aik Ilmi Jaiza book provide Scholarly overview of Hudood law in Urdu language. This book is now available here on Pakistan virtual library for reading and download. Check out the following links to read online or download it in Pdf format to enjoy offline reading.

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