Kalam e Meer Taqi Meer

Kalam e Meer Taqi MeerKalam e Meer Taqi Meer

Kalam e Meer Taqi Meer PDF Free Download

Kalam-e-Meer Taqi Meer compiled by Sunbal Sarfaraz. Mir Taqi Mir belongs to the Urdu poetry period, called the golden age of Urdu poetry. The era in which Mir opened his eyes was the era of the decline of the Mughal Empire, and he witnessed this decline throughout his life, i.e., for ninety years.

Mir’s poetry mirrors his internal affairs and the social condition of this troubled period. In his poetry, one can see ingenuity, structure, simile, eloquence, meaning, layering, and freshness of words. Mir Taqi Mir is the greatest poet of Urdu literature. The book under review, “Kalam Mir”, contains a selection of poetry by Mir Taqi Mir, presented in alphabetical order. This book also includes Mir’s short poems, Fardiyat, Rubaiyat, Mustzad, Mukhmasat, and Masnavis.
Urdu poetry book “Kalam e Meer Taqi Meer” is now available in the Pakistan virtual library in a high-quality PDF document for the study of our users. Check out the following links to read online or download the complete book in PDF format and enjoy offline reading on your computer or smartphone.

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