Muhammad Bin Qasim Novel By Naseem Hijazi

Muhammad Bin Qasim Novel By Naseem Hijazi Pdf Free Download

Muhammad Bin Qasim Novel By Naseem Hijazi PDF Free Download

Muhammad Bin Qasim, written by Naseem Hijazi. The novel contains a historical story of Muhammad Bin Qasim in Urdu. The events take place in the early eighth century, on the accomplishments and life of Muhammad Bin Qasim, the fabled Ummayyad general.

The story begins with the events of the Indus River when the Hindu ruler King Dahir attacked and captured a ship carrying Muslim passengers. So the Umayyad king Hajjaj bin Yusuf intervened and sent his nephew Muhammad bin Qasim to conquer the area and rescue the caravan.

Additionally, Naseem Hijazi explains how Muhammad Bin Qasim integrated the ruling class into his administration to establish peace and order in the region and end the unjust treatment of the so-called “untouchable caste” by his acts and rules. This promoted the message of Islam and its ideals of justice and equality while also making the area safer and more affluent.

Urdu historical novel “Muhammad Bin Qasim” is now available in Pakistan’s virtual library in a high-quality PDF document for our users to study. Check out the following links to read online or download the complete novel in PDF format and enjoy offline reading on your computer or smartphone.

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