Omar Khayyam Ki Sarguzasht by Afsar Azar

Omar Khayyam Ki Sarguzasht by Afsar Azar PDF Free Download

Omar Khayyam Ki Sarguzasht authored and researched by Afsar Azar. The history of “Omar Khayyam” was a famous scientist and poet of the Seljuk era. History does not tell us anything about “Omar Khayyam” with full trust and confidence. However, we can roughly say that he was a royal astronomer during the reign of Malik Shah Seljuk. We know what he did with algebra. His critique of Euclid is also considered a great work by the scholars of all time. Most of the people are also familiar with his research on the infinite complexities of mathematics, morphology, and the new calendar he compiled. History tells us that Malik Shah, the Seljuk ruler, held him in high esteem.

Traditions show that Omar Khayyam was a follower of Bu-Ali Sina in various studies. He studied mathematics, physiology, and philosophy with the students of Buali Sina, including Abul Hassan Zinhari. Omar Khayyam was an expert in medicine, philosophy, law, and history, in addition to mathematics and Astronomy, but he was not a quick writer.

Omar Khayyam was of Arab descent. It is expressed not only in his name but also in his father’s name. In addition, the manner in which Omar Khayyam received his early education proves that he is of Arabic descent. Certain characteristics of his character and temperament make him an Arab. For example, his brevity and arrogance in speech and discourse, his restraint in bringing the work to an end, and his outspoken accent and simplicity in quatrains are characteristics that are not commonly found in Iranians. Therefore, it is possible that Omar Khayyam’s father was an Arab.

Omar al-Khayyam calls himself Abu al-Fatah Umar ibn Ibrahim al-Khayami in his algebra. He was a resident of or around Neshapur in the Khorasan Province of Iran. History does not say anything about Omar Khayyam’s date of birth. Some authors estimate that he was born in 1039. Some believe that he was born in 1043. Herald Lamb believed that he was born in about 1052. History, however, proves that in 1047, he became famous as a mathematician. Omar Khayyam probably died in 1123, while some writers believe he died in 1131 or 1132.

The story of this book is based on the Herald Lamb’s book “The Life of Omar al-Khayyam.” Herald Lamb has not called this book a history or a historical novel but “History of Khayyam.” Herald Lamb, the English writer who has a keen eye on history, does not mention in this book the period of Omar Khayyam’s life that he spent in Samarkand after writing his book on the “Cubes,” a branch of science and mathematics in Neshapur. Where he gained access to the palace of Alek Khani Sultan Shams-ul-Mulk Takeen Khan and where he wrote his famous book on algebra. Herald Lamb concludes his book, The Life of Omar Khayyam, on his departure from Nishapur to Aleppo (Halab), which began his exile.

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