Purpose of Life By Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar

Purpose of Life By Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad AkhtarPurpose of Life By Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar

Purpose of Life By Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar PDF Free Download

The Purpose of Life book was authored by Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar. From this book, we understand that when we depart to the hereafter after our visa for the world has expired, what all the different types of people take with them. Does anyone take any currency of this world to the hereafter when his Janazah is lowered in the grave? Does anyone take with him plates, cups, mobile telephones, clean sheets, cars etc? Does anyone take both cash and kind? He neither takes kind nor any cash nor both. When we leave the world, and our Janazah enters the grave, a poet says:
Thanks to those who brought me to the grave.
Now we will go alone from this stage onwards.
This book is now available here in Pakistan’s virtual library in high-quality PDF documents for the study of our visitors. Check out the following links to read online or download the complete book in PDF format and enjoy offline reading.

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