Ramazan Aur Jadeed Masail by Mufti Muhammad Shuaibullah Khan

Ramazan Aur Jadeed Masail by Mufti Muhammad Shuaibullah KhanRamazan Aur Jadeed Masail by Mufti Muhammad Shuaibullah Khan

Ramazan Aur Jadeed Masail by Mufti Muhammad Shuaibullah Khan PDF Free Download

Ramazan Aur Jadeed Masail book authored by Mufti Muhammad Shuaibullah Khan, founder of Jamia Islamia Maseeh ul Uloom Bangalore. This book provides a complete solution to all modern issues related to the month of Ramazan, i.e. Royat e Hilal, Roza, Itekaf, Traweeh and Sadqa tul Fitr in the Urdu language.

Islamic Urdu book “Ramazan Aur Jadid Masail” is now available on Pakistan’s virtual library for the study of our visitors. Check out the following links to read online or download the complete book in PDF format and enjoy offline reading on your computer and smartphone.

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