Teen Nanhay Suragh Rasan Cheekhti Wadi Mein Novel

Teen Nanhay Suragh Rasan Cheekhti Wadi Mein Novel

Teen Nanhay Suragh Rasan Cheekhti Wadi Mein Novel PDF Free Download

Teen Nanhay Suragh Rasan Cheekhti Wadi Mein novel authored by Saleem Ahmad Siddiqui. This novel contains an interesting story of 3 kids detectives in Urdu language. The story is about three kids’ investigators who are members of a law enforcement agency in their artificial country. They help law enforcement agencies solve crimes by collecting information about criminals, collecting physical evidence, searching records in databases and talking to witnesses. This leads them to arrest criminals and enable them to be convicted in court. The story is gripping and full of suspense, action, adventure, fiction and fantasy. 

Urdu kids novel “Cheekhti Wadi Mein” is now available on Pakistan virtual library in a high-quality Pdf document for the study of our visitors. Check out the following links to read online or download the complete book in Pdf format and enjoy offline reading on your computer and smartphone.

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