The Great Sphinx – Abul Hol Ka Mujassima

The Great Sphinx


The Great Sphinx, one of the great pyramids was built for Khufu son Khephren. (2558-2532 B.C), and Great Sphinx, which sit in a depression to the south of that pyramid probably also was built for khephren. The sphinx is a limestone creature 240 feet long and 65 feet tall., with a loin’s body and a human head facing the rising sun. Some people believe the face thirteen feet wide with eyes six feet high is a portrait of Khephren.
Between the giant front paws is a Stella on which King Thutmose IV (1425-1417 B.C) tells about a dream he had, in which the sphinx promised that if he cleared away the sand that was choking it, Thutmose would be made King and so it happened. Although the sphinx’s head is badly battered traces of the paint that once covered it can still be seen near one ear. The nose was destroyed when the Ottoman Turks used it for tar get practice.