Khushboo Urdu Poetry Book By Parveen Shakir PDF Free Download
Khushboo Urdu Poetry Book Authored By Parveen Shakir. This book contains the best collection of Parveen Shakir Poetry, Nazams, Ghazals, love, and sad poetry in Urdu language. Urdu classic poetry, Urdu romantic ghazals, and poems on various topics from Parveen Shakir Sahiba.
This book represents the art of a young and beautiful lady. In it, his desires and aspirations are seen as restless. Parvin Shakir has expressed delicate emotions beautifully.
Parveen Shakir was one of the most famous poets in the Urdu language. She was born on 24 November 1952 in Karachi. Pakistan. She began poetry at an early age and her first volume of Urdu poetry, “Khushbu” (Fragrance), in 1976.
Urdu poetry book “Khushboo” is now available in Pakistan’s virtual library in a high-quality PDF document for our visitors to study. Check out the following links to read online or download the complete book in PDF format and enjoy offline reading on your computer and smartphone.