Waziristan by Laiq Shah Darpakhel

Waziristan by Laiq Shah Darpa Khel

Waziristan by Laiq Shah Darpakhel Pdf Free Download

Waziristan History Book authored by Laiq Shah Darpakhel. This book contains a history of Waziristan in the Pashto language. In this research work, Laiq Shah Darpakhel described the historical facts about the elders of Wazir, Mahsud, Dawar and Bettni Pashtun tribes who sacrificed their lives for the sake of their land and did not allow any usurper to occupy their lands. And those who occupied it were forced to repent and flee.

Laiq Shah Darpakhel Sahib has compiled the life events of these elders with a very beautiful and wide background for the new generation. In light of these circumstances and events, it has been proved that these elders’ lives were models of honour, bravery, and patriotism. Suppose the same characteristics are present in a nation even today. In that case, there will be a life of honour and dignity in the world; otherwise, there will be humiliation and disgrace forever.

Apart from the geographical information of Waziristan, a brief outline of the historical situation and events from the beginning of Islam to the establishment of Pakistan has been presented. But in particular, the national struggles of Mulla Powinda and Haji Mirza Ali Khan alias Faqir Ipi have been highlighted.

The allegations levelled against Mullah Pounda and Faqir Ipi by some domestic and foreign writers have been answered in a very beautiful, scholarly and researched manner, and it has been proved that the battles fought by Mulla Powinda and Faqir Aipi were not for worldly gain but fought for the glory of Islam and the freedom of the homeland. Similarly, in the early days of the formation of Pakistan, the motives for the non-conciliatory behaviour of Faqir Ipi and the rare revelations made based on these motives prove that the misgivings between Faqir Ipi and the Government of Pakistan were both the result of mutual misunderstandings between the parties, otherwise the two had the same goal.

Waziristan’s history book is now available in the Pakistan virtual library in a high-quality PDF document for our visitors to study. Check out the following links to read online or download the complete book in PDF format and enjoy offline reading on your computer and smartphone.

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