Tareekh Jinnat o Shayateen Urdu
Tareekh Jinnat o Shayateen Urdu pdf Free Download
Tareekh-e-Jinnat o Shayateen Written by Imam Jalaluddin Suyuti and translated into Urdu by Maulana Imdad Ullah Anwar. The present book contains history of Cyclopes and Devils according to the Islamic education, in Urdu language. All information provided in this book are taken from the history books, authentic Ahadith and Tafseer of the Holy Quran.
Tareekh Jinnaat o Shayateen is now available on Pakistan Virtual Library for online reading and download. Checkout the following links to read online and free download complete book in Pdf format for offline learning and references.
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Jazak Allah khair for nice collection of all types of books..its really worthy and useful for everyone. Allah aap ke koshish ko qabul kare…aamin