Tawareekh Hafiz Rahmat Khani Urdu
Tawareekh Hafiz Rahmat Khani Urdu Pdf Free Download
Tawareekh Hafiz Rahmat Khani Urdu Authored by Nawab Hafiq Rehmat Khan Roillah. Translated into Urdu by Pir Moazzam Shah, presented and compiled by Khan Roshan Khan of Sawabi. It was published by Pashto Academe Peshawar University.
The currant book is the Urdu translation of ” Tawarikh Hafiz Rehmat Khan”. The original book was in Pashto language. “Tawarikh Hafiz Rahmat Khani“, which is a very important historical document. Pashto Academy Peshawar University have got this document from the British Museum in London, which about the famous Afghan tribes and their ancient history along with the famous partition of ” Sheikhmali”.
In this book, you will learn about the migration of Yusafzai tribe from the Kabul and their resettlement in the beginning of the sixteenth century. Tareekh Hafiz Rehmat Khani is actually a summed up of ” Tareekh e Afaghnah” usually known as ” Tareekh Kan Gujju” ( The History of Khan Gujju).
Pashtun history is still lying in the dark like the history of Pashto language and Pashto literature, which is noteworthy and requires extensive research. A lot of books has been written and plublished on the history of Pashtuns, few of them was written by Pashtuns and some by non-Pashtuns historians which is almost in Persian and English language and not beneficial for the Pashtuns peoples.
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