Rijal e Iqbal by Abdur Rauf Urooj

Rijal e Iqbal by Abdur Rauf Urooj

Rijal e Iqbal by Abdur Rauf Urooj Pdf Free Download

Rijal e Iqbal book written by Abdul Rauf Urooj. This book briefly introduces Allama Iqbal’s contemporaries, devotees and friends in light of his prose, speeches and statements. This work is an authentic and essential reference book in the field of Iqbaliyat.

It thoroughly describes all the local and international figures and people whom Allama Iqbal referenced in his prose and poetry writings, essays, speeches, and correspondence. In addition, it includes the terms that Allama Iqbal’s friends and family have to provide.

This book is the most essential encyclopedia of Iqbal’s personality and has never been published before. In short, this book is a dictionary that provides its readers with new and essential information, and its purpose is to allow our authors to examine the vast and varied background of Iqbal’s personality.

Urdu book “Rijal e Iqbal” is now available in the Pakistan Virtual Library in a high-quality PDF document for our visitors to study. Check out the following links to read online or download the complete book in PDF format and enjoy offline reading on your computer and smartphone.

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