Seerat e Abu Huraira by Talib Al-Hashmi Pdf Free Download Seerat Abu Huraira by Talib Al-Hashimi. This book contains the history and biography of the famous companion Hazrat Abu Hurairah (RA) in Urdu language. Mr. Talib Al-Hashmi has authored the biographies of more than a thousand male and female Companions (Sahaba wa Sahaba). The book […]
Category: Hazrat Abu Hurairah r.a
Abu Hurayrah in a State of Hunger
Story of Hazrat Abu Hurayrah in a State of Hunger Once Abu Hurayrah (radiyallahu anhu) after wiping his nose with a piece of fine linen said to himself: “Look at Abu Hurayrah! He clean his nose with fine linen today. I remember the time when he used to lie down between the mimbar and the […]