Category: Ramadan in English

Kitabus Saum The Book of Fasting

Kitabus Saum The Book of Fasting Pdf Free Download Kitabus Saum The Book of Fasting. Compiled by Majlis-e-Ulama of South Africa.  Siyam (Fasting) is among the fundamental acts of Ibadat. It has been ordained by Allah Ta’ala for the development of taqwa (piety) in the Mu’mineen. Fasting is extremely efficacious for the acquisition of taqwa. […]

Fasting in Ramadan As observed by the Prophet S.A.W

Fasting in Ramadan As observed by the Prophet Peace be upon Him written by Sheikh Saleem al-Hilali & Sheikh Ali Hasan al-Halabi. Summarized by, Sheikh Taariq Saudagar Madani. Translated from Arabic and Published by, Centre for Islamic Studies (CIS), Bangalore.

The Ramadan of Shaikh Al-Hadith Muhammad Zakariyya And Our Elders

The Ramadan of Shaikh Al-Hadith Muhammad Zakariyya And Our Elders Pdf The Ramadan of Shaikh Al-Hadith Maulana Muhammad Zakariyya r.a and our Elders Written by Dr. Muhammad Ismail Memon Madani.The month of Ramadan held a very special place in the life of, Maulana Muhammad Zakariyya (r.a). Throughout the year he taught, researched, guided students along […]

Many Fast and Worship at Night but Earn Nothing but Hunger and Lost Sleep

Many Fast and Worship at Night but Earn Nothing Abu Hurairah (radiyallahu anhu) relates that Rsulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: “Many are the ones who fast, attaining nothing by such fasting except hunger, and many are the ones performing salaat by night attaining nothing by it, except the discomfort of staying awake at night.”  With […]