Category: Islamic Duas In English

Fortress of the Muslim by Shaikh Saeed bin Ali bin Wahf Al-Qahtani

Fortress of the Muslims by Shaikh Saeed bin Ali bin Wahf Al-Qahtani

Fortress of the Muslim by Shaikh Saeed bin Ali bin Wahf Al-Qahtani PDF Free Download Fortress of the Muslim is a compilation by Shaikh Saeed bin Ali bin Wahf Al-Qahtani. This book is an abridged version of his previous works, Hisn-ul-Muslim, which contains a brief and comprehensive collection of supplications that Muslims may recite on […]

Takbeerat e Tashreeq

Takbeerat e Tashreeq in Urdu TAKBEERAAT-E-TARSHEEQ : ALLAHU AKBAR, ALLAHU AKBAR, LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAHU WALLAHU AKBAR, ALLAHU AKBAR, WA LILLAHIL HAMD. Takbeerat e Tashreeq is Wajib (Obligatory) upon every adult Muslim to recite audibly after every Faraz Namaz from the Fajr Namaz of 9th Zil Hajj to the Asr of 13th Zil Hajj. Takbeeraat should […]

Kitabus Saum The Book of Fasting

Kitabus Saum The Book of Fasting Pdf Free Download Kitabus Saum The Book of Fasting. Compiled by Majlis-e-Ulama of South Africa.  Siyam (Fasting) is among the fundamental acts of Ibadat. It has been ordained by Allah Ta’ala for the development of taqwa (piety) in the Mu’mineen. Fasting is extremely efficacious for the acquisition of taqwa. […]

Dua for Success in Examination

Dua for Success in Examination in Urdu If anyone is desirous for success in an examination, interview or any kind of difficult position, the should recite the above dua 99 times. By reciting this Quranic Dua Insha Allah Ta’ala a special blessing and help will come from Allah Ta’ala and the reciters  will diffidently gain […]