Hajjaj bin Yousuf History by Aslam Rahi M.A Pdf Free Download
Hajjaj bin Yousuf History Book, new edition, authored by Aslam Rahi M.A. This book is a historical document that describes the life and achievements of Hajjaj Bin Yousaf in Urdu. Hajjaj was one of the most notable commanders and capable governors in the era of the Umayyad Caliphate. He was a great politician of the era.
Hajjj belonged to a branch of the Banu Saqeef tribe. He was born on June 1 661 AD in a poor family of Taif and died on June 1 in Wasit, Iraq. His mother was from the Banu Saqeef tribe and was the divorced wife of Mughira bin Shuba, who was the ruler of Kufa in the Caliphate of Amir Muawiya.
The earliest conditions of Hajjaj ibn Yusuf’s life are little known. He was a teacher in Taif at a young age. After leaving the profession of teaching, he joined the forces of Abdul Malik bin Marwan. Later on, due to his intelligence and ability, he progressed rapidly and became the governor of Iraq.
“Hajjaj bin Yousuf” history is now available on the Pakistan virtual library in high-quality PDF documents for the study of our users. Check out the following links to read online or download the complete novel in PDF format and enjoy offline reading on your computer and smartphone.
I need the book by the Hajjaj Bin Yousuf on Tib (Medicine) trasnlated in Urdu by Hakeen Adnan of Lucknow