Rasulullah’s Sleepless Night – Huzoor a.s Ka Sadaqa Ki Kajhoor Ke Khauf Se Tamam Raat Jagna
Once our Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) spent a sleepless night. He would turn from side to side and could not sleep. His wife asked him: “O Rasul of Allah! Why can you not sleep?” He responded: ” A date was lying about. I took it up and ate it, lest it should be wasted. Now I am troubled lest it might be from charity.”
Most probably the date belonged to Rasulullah himself, but because people sent him their charity as well (for distribution), He could not sleep because of doubt that it might be of charity. This is the last word in scruples from the master himself, that he could not sleep because of a suspicion in his mind. How would it go with those who claim themselves to be the slaves of that very master but indulge in usury, corruption, theft, plunder and every other type of forbidden business without the least scruple?