Category: Piety

Umar Ibn Abdal-Aziz Dismisses a Governor

Umar Ibn Abdal-Aziz Dismisses a Governor

Caliph Hazrat Umar Ibn Abdal-Aziz Dismisses a Governor Umar Ibn Abdal Aziz appointed a person as Governor of a Province. Somebody said that this person had held the same post under Hajjaj Ibn Yousuf (the notorious blood- shedder) also. Umar Ibn Abdal Aziz immediately gave orders for his dismissal. The man protested: “I had been […]

Umar Does Not Like His Wife To Weigh Musk

Umar does not Like His Wife to Weigh Musk

Hazrat e Umar does not Like His Wife to Weigh Musk Hazrat e Umar (radiyallahu anhu) once received some musk from Bahrain. He said: ” I want someone to weigh it, so that it may be equally distributed among the Muslims.” His wife said: “I shall weigh it.” Umar kept quiet. A little later he […]

Rasulullah’s Verdict About Food Forbidden By Allah

Rasulullah’s Verdict About Food Forbidden By Allah Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) once said: “As Allah Ta’ala Himself is pure He accepts only pure things. He enjoins upon the Muslims what He has laid down for His Rasuls. He says in His Book: “O Rasuls eat of the good things and do right. Lo! I am […]

Ali Passes by a Grave – Hazrat Ali Ka Aik Qabar Par Guzar

Ali Passes by a Grave – Hazrat Ali Ka Aik Qabar Par Guzar Kumayl says: “I was with Ali (radiyallahu anhu) once on a journey, when he reached an uninhabited place. He approached a grave and said: “O you dwellers of the graves! O you who live amongst ruins! O you who live in the […]