Abu Bakr Gives His Garden to Bayt al Mal – Hazrat Abu Bakr Ka Bait ul Mal Ke Liye Apna Bagh Waqf Karna
Ibn Sirin writes: “When Abu Bakr (radiyallahu anhu) was about to die, he said to his daughter: “Aishah (radiyallahu anha), I did not like to take anything from the bayt al-mal, but ‘Umar (radiyallahu anhu) insisted on it, to relieve me of my occupation, and to enable me to devote my full time to the duties of the caliphate; and I was left with no choice. Now give that garden of mine to my successor, in return for what I have received from the bayt al-mal.”
When Abu Bakr (radiyallahu anhu) died, Aishah (radiyallahu anha) asked Umar (radiyallahu anhu) to take over that garden, as desired by her late father. Umar (radiyallahu anhu) said: “May Allah ta’ala bless your father! He left no chance for anybody to open his lips against him.”
Abu Bakr (radiyallahu anhu) received his subsistence allowance from the bayt al-Mal in the interest of all the Muslims, and that too at the request of the most prominent sahabah. Again, the amount taken was almost the minimum possible, and hardly enough for him, as we have already seen in the story about his wife’s inability to cook one sweet dish during the whole month. In spite of all this, he was so scrupulous that he gave his garden to the bayt al-mal, in return for what he had received from the public funds