The Fort of Bala Hisar usually known as Qillah Bala Hisar is one of the foremost historic fort situated in Peshawar. Bala Hisar is a Persian word. The word “Bala” meaning is “High” and the word “Hisar” meaning “Fort”. This name was given by the Afghan King Timur Shah Durrani 1773 To 1793. The Sikhs […]
Category: Wonders
Abu Simbel Temple in Ancient Nubia
The Great Sphinx – Abul Hol Ka Mujassima
The Great Sphinx, one of the great pyramids was built for Khufu son Khephren. (2558-2532 B.C), and Great Sphinx, which sit in a depression to the south of that pyramid probably also was built for khephren. The sphinx is a limestone creature 240 feet long and 65 feet tall., with a loin’s body and […]