Hamare Nabi Manzoom Seerat e Pak by Amjad Hussain Hafiz Karnataki

Hamare Nabi Manzoom Seerat e Pak by Amjad Hussain Hafiz Karnataki

Hamare Nabi Manzoom Seerat e Pak by Amjad Hussain Hafiz Karnataki PDF Free Download

Hamare Nabi Manzoom Seerat e Pak book authored by Amjad Hussain Hafiz Karnataki. This book contains the complete Seerah of our beloved Prophet s.a.w in Urdu poetic form. Our Prophet (PBUH) is the last Prophet of Allah. Thousands of books have been written in various languages on his biography because Allah Almighty Has made His Prophet a model for the whole world.

The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) can be followed only when we remember His biography and history. The taste for reading is very low in the Ummah. That is why today, millions and even crores of people of the Ummah are unaware of the biography of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) but also His name, the names of His Companions, and the basic teachings of Islam.

Allah Almighty has created in every human being the desire to hear a good and charming voice. And that is possible only with poetry. No human being can read prose with Tarnam. But a poem can be recited aloud. That is why children, adults, and people of all genders read and listen to poems with great interest. There is also a lot of work that has been done on Manzoom Seerah in Urdu before this work.

Hafiz Amjad Hussain Hafiz Karnakati is an emerging poet from the Shimoga district of Karnataka. So far, twelve of his books on various topics have come to light. Amjad Hussain Hafiz Karnataka is rendering valuable service to the Urdu language through his pure poetic taste and is receiving accolades in every genre. Now the Poetic Seerat of our Beloved Prophet (PBUH)  is available for the readers to read.

Hafiz Karnataki has written a detailed poem on Seerat-e-Tayyaba in the style of Masaddas-e-Hali, which is unique in its fluency and smoothness, which shows us that Allah Almighty has endowed him with a good taste of excellent subjects and then the style of narrating them in smooth words and eloquent manner. May Allah Almighty accept their sincere service. Encourage the Urdu-speaking class to take advantage of it and give it the wealth of common acceptance. Ameen

Urdu book “Hamare Nabi Manzoom Seerat e Pak” is now available on Pakistan virtual library in a high-quality Pdf document for the study of our visitors. Check out the following links to read online or download the complete book in Pdf format and enjoy offline reading on your computer and smartphone.

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