Bitcoin Blockchain Aur Cryptocurrency by Dr. Zeeshan ul Hassan Usmani

Bitcoin Blockchain Aur Cryptocurrency by Dr. Zeeshan ul Hassan Usmani

Bitcoin Blockchain Aur Cryptocurrency by Dr Zeeshan ul Hassan Usmani Pdf Free Download

Bitcoin Blockchain Aur Cryptocurrency book authored by Dr Zeeshan ul Hassan Usmani. This book describes Past, present, and future Technical details and some questions from scholars about Virtual currency in the Urdu language. With the help of this book, readers can learn all about Cryptocurrency i.e. What is a cryptocurrency? What is a Bitcoin? Introduction to Blockchain, how can we learn this technology, and how can we take advantage of it? Who was Satoshi Nakamoto? How do you do mining? What is the name of ICO? There is no better way to answer hundreds of such questions than with this book. Let’s read the book and step into the world of corrupt economics.

Dr. Zeeshan ul Hassan Usmani is a Fulbright Scholar and Eisenhower Fellow. He obtained a PhD and MS in Computer Science from the Florida Institute of Technology. His PhD work focuses on big data for counter-terrorism. His work has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, CNN, AOL News, Wired Magazine, NPR, MIT’s Technology Review, Florida Today, and The Economist.

He has written dozens of research papers, articles, and several books. His research work includes data sciences, blockchain, predictive analytics, and modelling human emergent behaviours. He loves to talk about Kung Fu panda, census, trees, sponge bob, disadvantages of learning and appreciation, swarm and avian intelligence. He has worked in the USA, Pakistan, Lithuania, Sri Lanka, the United Kingdom, Denmark and the Middle East. He is focusing on blockchain applications, self-aware smart contracts, and self-organized crypto assets.

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  1. salam
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    if so kindly send me the link

    Best Regards


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