Saltanat e Usmania Urdu by Dr. Ali Muhammad Al-Salabi

Saltanat e Usmania Urdu by Dr. Muhammad Al-Salabi

Saltanat e Usmania Urdu by Dr. Ali Muhammad Al-Salabi Pdf Free Download

Saltanat e Usmania by Dr. Ali Muhammad Al-Salabi. A Detailed political, cultural and civilizational history of the Turks. The rise and fall of the Khilafat e Usmania and a historical overview of Islamic movements for the revival of Islam. The present book is the Urdu translation of an Arabic book, “Al-Daulatul Osmania”, by Dr. Ali Muhammad Al-Salabi, a well-known Arab historian. Translated into Urdu by Allama Muhammad Zafar Iqbal Kalyar. In this book, the author has described the different periods of the history of the Ottoman Sultans (from beginning to end) in detail.

Ottoman ancestors, their homeland, conversion to Islam, participation in the Jihad movement, Jihad against the Byzantine rulers and successive victories, domination of different parts of Europe, and services to civilization, science and art.

The beginning of the Ottoman decline was a result of deviating from the divine commandments and the increasing lack of ability and power of the sultans themselves. Crusaders’ attacks and conquests on Islamic territories, the helplessness of the Islamic world, Western conspiracies, Jewish deception, Ottoman sultans versus Masonic movements, and patriotic leaders. The efforts of Islamic scholars and Sufis have beautifully described all these topics. The book fully covers its subject and discusses every corner of Ottoman history.

Urdu history book “Saltanat e Usmania” is now available on Pakistan virtual library in a high-quality PDF document for the study of our users. Check out the following links to read online or download the complete book in PDF format and enjoy offline reading on your computer and smartphone.

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  1. Buht zarbdast malomati kitab hai
    Thanks pdfbooksfree to upload this ebook

  2. Abdul Aziz Abbasi

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