Tag: Urdu Books of Mirza Hadi Ruswa in Pdf

Khooni Aashiq Novel by Mirza Muhammad Hadi Ruswa

Khooni Ashiq Novel by Mirza Mohammad Hadi Ruswa

Khooni Aashiq Novel by Mirza Muhammad Hadi Ruswa Pdf Free Download Khooni Aashiq Novel authored by Mirza Muhammad Hadi Ruswa. “Khooni Ashiq” is an exciting and rare novel by Mirza Muhammad Hadi Ruswa, which tells the story of a French lover. Mirza Muhammad Hadi Ruswa is one of the first Urdu novelists.  In this sense, […]

Shareef Zada Novel by Mirza Hadi Ruswa

Shareef Zada by Mirza Hadi Ruswa

Shareef Zada Novel by Mirza Hadi Ruswa Pdf Free Download Shareef Zada Novel authored by Mirza Hadi Ruswa. This novel, written in the style of Aap Beti, describes the biography of Mirza Abid Hussain. The book is third among Mirza’s compilations, but it is his first novel written in a biography style. The novel portrays […]

Umrao Jaan Ada Novel by Mirza Hadi Ruswa

Umrao Jaan Ada Novel by Mirza Hadi Ruswa

Umrao Jaan Ada Novel by Mirza Hadi Ruswa Pdf Free Download Umrao Jan Ada novel, authored by Mirza Muhammad Hadi Raswa Lucknowi. In this novel, the social and cultural highlights of 19th-century Lucknow are shown in an exciting way. At that time, Lucknow was the cradle of music, knowledge, and literature. Raswa has captured the […]