Category: Naseem Hijazi

Shaheen Novel by Naseem Hijazi

Shaheen Novel by Naseem Hijazi

Shaheen Novel by Naseem Hijazi Pdf Free Download Shaheen historical novel by Naseem Hijazi. This novel describes the complete history of the fall of Granada in 1492 and the evacuation of Muslims from Spain. The story revolves around Badr bin Mughira, a historical character from Granada. It also tells the story of Abu Abdullah, the […]

Yusuf Bin Tashfeen Novel by Naseem Hijazi

Yusuf bin Tashfeen novel by Naseem Hijazi

Yusuf bin Tashfeen novel by Naseem Hijazi Pdf Free Download Yusuf bin Tashfeen Novel is another masterpiece of Naseem Hijazi. In this historical novel, the circumstances and events of the founding ruler of Morocco “Youssef Ibn Tashfin” have been described. In this novel, the causes of the decline of the Islamic Empire in Andalusia and […]

Akhri Chattan Novel by Naseem Hijazi

Akhri Chattan novel complete by Naseem Hijazi

Akhri Chattan novel complete by Naseem Hijazi Pdf Free Download Akhri Chattan Novel, authored by Naseem Hijazi. The novel “Akhri Chatan” is a mythical historical fiction about the fall of the Abbasid Caliphate to the Mongols. It portrays Sultan Jalaluddin Khwarazm Shah‘s attempt to unify Muslims and resist the Mongols. This is about a Muslim […]

Gumshuda Qafle Novel By Naseem Hijazi

Gumshuda Qafle Novel

Gumshuda Qafle Novel By Naseem Hijazi PDF Free Download Gumshuda Qafle novel, 2nd part of Pardesi Darakh, authored by Naseem Hijazi. This novel contains a historical story of the Afghan Revolutionary War and the bravery of the Mujahideen. Afghanistan’s revolution was thrilling, Dreadful, Complete history, Amazing, and fascinating. It is an exciting and informative book […]