Final Appeal To Muslim Ummah

Final Appeal To Muslim Ummah

Final Appeal To Muslim Ummah


This very system has actually been put into practice, in the recent past, in the territory of Mewat and a few other districts around Delhi (India). Although the work in that region has not yet reached the final stage, the progress of the local Muslims, however, has been considerable. The blessings and benefits of the system of Tabligh are clearly visible and worth witnessing. Suppose all Muslims collectively resolve to follow the noble example described above and adopt the correct system of life, as described in this blog. In that case, there is very hope that, through that effort, Allah Ta’ala may remove all our hardships and troubles. We may be able to regain our faith, the power to do righteous deeds, and the resultant honour, greatness, and glory in this life and attain permanent success in the next. The Muslims can then set an example for the rest of the world to live in peace, rest, and happiness, which is the natural desire of every man on the earth.

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