Maot Ka Manzar In Urdu
Maot Ka Manzar In Urdu Pdf Free Download
Maot Ka Manzar Written by Khalid Bin Abdur Rahman and Sultan Bin Fahad ur Rashid. Urdu translation by Zaheer Ahamad Abdul Ahad.The present book is the Urdu translation of “ Mashahid ul Ikhtizar” which was the compilation of Khalid bin Abdur Rehman and Sultan bin Fahad Al-Rashid. Despite being a short book, it is significance in terms of subjects. This book contains stories of the death of Sahabah r.a (Companions), Salaf, pious peoples, rulers, ungodly and sinners in the light of Quran with logic and evidence in Urdu language.Visit the following links to read online and free download “ Maut ka Manzar” book in Pdf format for offline reading and references.