Category: Islamic Graphics

Ambiya e Kiram Ki Umren

Ambiya e Kiram Ki Umren- Prophets Ages Ambiya e Kiram Ki Umren. Names and ages of some famous Prophets of Allah in Urdu and English. Name of the Prophet                                                  Age in Years Hazrat Muhammad(Salallah-o-Aleh-e-Wasallam)     63 Years Hazrat Adam (Aleh-e-salam)                                          1000 Years Hazrat Nooh (Aleh-e-salam)                                           950 Years Hazrat Shoaib (Aleh-e-salam)             […]

Hazrat Luqman a.s Advice to His Son

Hazrat Luqman a.s Advice to His Son Hazrat Luqman Alaihis Salam’s Advice to his son: One day Hakeem Luqman said to his son “ O my son! When you come to a gathering of people, greet them with Salam, then sit a the edge of the group, and do not speak until you see that […]