Category: Mobile Applications

Cloud Architecture Patterns By Bill Wilder

Cloud Architecture Patterns By Bill Wilder Pdf Free Download  Cloud Architecture Patterns Develop Cloud Native Applications authored by Bill Wilder. This book focuses on the development of cloud-native applications. A cloud-native application is architected to take advantage of specific engineering practices that have proven successful in some of the world’s largest and most successful web […]

Hello Android, Introducing Google’s Mobile Development Platform

Hello Android Third Edition By Ed Burnette Pdf Free Download Hello Android Introducing Google’s Mobile Development Platform (Third Edition) By Ed Burnette. Android is an open source software toolkit for mobile phones that was created by Google and also the open handset alliance. It’s within ample cell phones and alternative mobile devices, creating Android a […]

Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks Applications By Xin Wang

Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks Applications By Xin Wang Pdf Free Download

Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks Applications By Xin Wang Pdf Free Download Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks Applications Written by Xin Wang. Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) are a fundamental element of pervasive networks, where user can communicate anywhere, any time and on the fly. MANETs introduce a new communication paradigm, which does not require a fixed infrastructure; they […]