Iqbal A Critical Study by Misbah ul Haq Siddiqui

Iqbal A Critical Study by Misbah ul Haq Siddiqui

Iqbal A Critical Study by Misbah ul Haq Siddiqui PDF Free Download

Iqbal A Critical Study written by Misbah ul Haq Siddiqui and published by Farhan Publishers Lahore Pakistan. This book contains a collection of articles written by eminent scholars both Pakistani and foreigners, particularly this volume contains two articles by Hindu writers who were greatly influenced by the scholarship of Dr. Allama Iqbal.

Dr. Muhammad Iqbal needs no introduction, even to people outside this sub-continent. He is internationally recognized as a great poet, a profound thinker and as one who played a distinguished role on behalf of the Muslims in the freedom movement of the sub-continent. The volume of work on him is constantly growing, though not sufficiently in the English language.

Siddiqui has made a selection of articles from the old files of periodicals and newspapers which are out of reach of an ordinary reader. One of the features of this collection is that it contains articles on Allama Iqbal by foreigners including a few by Hindu writers who might not have appreciated his political views and his role in the freedom movement, but they have nevertheless been fascinated by his vision as a philosopher and scholar.

This work will surely fill the gap in Iqbal’s studies and enrich the literature on his life and work for the benefit of future generations. It will also help to clarify the impressions formed on younger minds that have had nothing but the scholarship of the West to depend upon. They should be better able to appreciate that their own heritage is by no means inferior to the West’s. Credit must go to the Government of Pakistan for initiating this process of intellectual awareness.

In his thought, Iqbal prescribed a methodology for the revival of Islam, which needs to be understood by the modern Musalman by inculcating an understanding into the context of the Holy Quran, which is a self-contained book for all time.  Iqbal is consciously aware of this fact and has tried to sweep aside the external influences that have cropped up through Greek thought, Jewish influence, and Vedantism. He has presented a new picture of mysticism, although he has not been able to shake off emotionalism. Yet his thought is fundamentally nationalistic.

Mr. M.H Siddiqui has done a yeoman’s service in collecting writings on Iqbal and publishing them in book form. These writings project various aspects of Iqbal’s thought and help to bring out the blue-print of his methodology. These articles are bound to serve a useful purpose and are significant contributions on his death anniversary.

One thing must be remembered: whatever Iqbal says must be understood in the light of the Quran. Everything else must be set aside. Anything contradicting the views of the Quran must be discarded, no matter if it is from Rumi or Ibn ul Arbi. No saying of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) can go against the dictate of the Holy Quran either. This is a fundamental fact in the understanding of Iqbal.

The evolution of thought in Iqbal’s writing must also be understood, and all contradictions must be resolved in the light of the Holy Quran. The utility of Iqbal’s thought will thus be appreciated. The fundamental basis of Iqbal’s thought is Khudi, which has to be understood as the ‘conscious self’ and not merely the ‘self’. Self without consciousness is nothing. In all his poetry, Iqbal has tried to ensure this self-consciousness, whether it be rational or religious, by raising the level of this being the conscious self.  He has prescribed methods for this elevation. Unless the being is raised, it cannot conform to the universal laws of Taqdir. Once it conforms, he is free to claim and demand.

We pray that Mr. M.H. Siddiqui’s effort meets with due success and enables its readers to understand Iqbal and practice what he says. Knowing Iqbal is different from understanding him; for to understand him is to act on his advice. If they do not understand, then all his poetry will turn into prose in no time.

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