Swat Nama Da Khushal Khan Khattak Pdf Free Download
Swat Nama Da Khushal Khan Khattak. This book describes Khushal Khan’s journey to the beautiful valley of Swat in the Pashto language. In the aforesaid scenario, at his fall in favour of the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb and his endeavours for his survival, Khushal Khan tried to instigate the Pukhtuns tribes against Aurangzeb and personally visited Swat to seek and enlist the support of the Yusufzais of Swat against the Mughals.
During his seven-month stay in Swat, he toured and observed every aspect of it. Later, he wrote a book entitled Swat Namah. He has praised its meadows, natural riches, scenic beauty, fertility, fragrant breezes, low prices, rich past, etc. For example, comparing Swat with Kabul and Kashmir, he has said that the air of Swat is better than that of Kabul in summer, and in a pleasant climate, it is like Kashmir, but the pity is that compared to Kashmir, Swat is narrower. Referring to its springs, snow, and climate, he has asserted that Swat is blessed with springs and rivulets of cold water as well as snow, that there are no hot winds in Swat nor dust and other impurities, and that small rivulets flow from the house to house in every village.
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