Category: Hadiths

Why our dua not accepted – ہماری دُعا قبول کیوں نہیں ہوتی؟

Why our dua not accepted

Why our dua not accepted – ہماری دُعا قبول کیوں نہیں ہوتی؟ ﷽ حضرتِ ابوہریرہ رضی اللہ عنہ سے مروی ہے کہ بنیِ کریم ﷺ نے فرمایا “بےشک اللہ تعالیٰ پاک ہے اور پاکیزہ (چیز) ہی قبول فرماتا ہے، بلاشبہ اللہ نے مومنوں کو وہی حکم دیا ہے جو رسولوں کو دیا ہے۔ چناچہ پیغمبروں […]

Rasulullah’s Reprimand at the Sahabah’s Laughing

Once Rasulullah (sallallah alaihi wasallam) came to the masjid for salah, where he saw some people laughing and giggling. He said: “If you remembered your death, I would not see you like this. Think of your death often. Not a single day passes when the grave does not call out, ‘I am a wilderness, I […]

An Advice by Abdullah ibn Abbas

Advice of Abdullah ibn Abbas Wahb ibn Munabbah says: “Abdullah ibn Abbas (r.a) lost the eye sight in his old age. I once led him to the masjid of the Ka’bah in Makkah, where he heard a group of people exchanging hot words among themselves. He asked me to lead him to them. He greeted […]

Sahih Muslim with Urdu Translation

Sahih Muslim With Urdu Translation PDF Free Download

Sahih Muslim With Urdu Translation PDF Free Download Sahih Muslim with Urdu translation by Allama Waheed uz Zaman. Sahih Muslim is an authentic Islamic book of Hadith with Urdu translation, which is unique among collections of hadiths in Islamic tradition. It is regarded as one of the most accurate and comprehensive collections of the Prophet […]