Category: Islamic Stories

Rasulullah’s Apprehensions at the Time of a Storm

Rasulullah’s Apprehensions at the Time of a Storm – Aandhi Ke Waqat Huzoor sa.w Ka Tariqa Aishah (Radhiyallaho anha) relates that whenever a strong wind bringing dense clouds started blowing, the Prophet’s (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) face turned pale with the fear of Allah. He became restive and would go in and out with perturbation, and […]

Abu Talhah And His Salah

Abu Talhah And His Devotion To Salah Abu Talhah (radiyallahu anhu) was once saying his salah in his garden. His attention was drawn towards a bird that flew about, but could not find a way out of the dense foliage. And for a short moment, he followed the bird with his eyes, and forgot the […]

Sympathy and Self-Sacrifice

Sahabah Sympathy and Self-Sacrifice – Eisar o Hamdardi aur Allah ki rah mein kharch karna The Sahabah, as class, were an embodiment of righteousness. They attained a standard that is rather difficult to copy in the modern society. We would be fortunate if we really attain even a partial resemblance to their character. Some of […]

Umar Does Not Like His Wife To Weigh Musk

Umar does not Like His Wife to Weigh Musk

Hazrat e Umar does not Like His Wife to Weigh Musk Hazrat e Umar (radiyallahu anhu) once received some musk from Bahrain. He said: ” I want someone to weigh it, so that it may be equally distributed among the Muslims.” His wife said: “I shall weigh it.” Umar kept quiet. A little later he […]